and Gourmet

La Maison des Tartes offers sweet and savoury pies prepared by hand with local, seasonal and mainly organic ingredients.

pies of the moment

savoury pies

We are committed to work with suppliers who produce quality and/or organic ingredients. We are convinced that, transformed into our pies, this is reflected in the textures and tastes we offer!

sweet pies

Every morning we get up to create products that are off the beaten track both visually and tastefully.

how to order ?

Step 1

Choose the pie of your choice

step 2

Choose the time and day you want to pick up your order

step 3

Easily pay for your order online and GET DELIVERED TO BRUSSELS or collect your order on D-Day. Enjoy and taste!

our history

The story begins in 2009 when Philippe lost the use of his right arm in a car accident. This right-handed pastry chef, who has also worked with Pierre Marcolini (La Tarterie de Pierre), had to reinvent himself and relearn everything with only one arm.
The idea was to transform entremets and other cakes into tarts, the only pastry that can be made with one hand. He embarked on an entrepreneurial adventure by creating Secret Gourmand. After more than 10 years spent in this company, he decided to hand over the company.

The meeting

The meeting with Olivier took place during this transfer, interested in taking over the company Secret Gourmand. The sale was not successful but the two men, who love quality products and optimal service, met. At the beginning of August 2020, they decided to create a new entity together. Rich in their respective experiences, they will be able to take advantage of the appreciated recipes, their address books and build a company by innovating on the basis of past successes and mistakes to avoid.

vision, mission, values & commitments


To transmit an authentic culinary experience in order to create moments of exceptional quality and sharing.


To open up and promote the people and the region, especially at local level
Awareness of health and the environment (respect for seasonality, sustainable / organic farming, etc.), to offer a gastronomic product.
Exceptional = excellence, high standards, extraordinary, unconventional, with an emphasis on artisanal processing.


Transmission (sharing) – Authenticity – Creativity – Excellence – Consideration (trust, transparency) – Openness (diversity).


Special interest in very high quality products (e.g. unrefined organic cane sugar)
Continuous improvement and development of products for people who are vegan, gluten sensitive, diabetic

our workshop


Our suppliers are selected from Belgian producers who take care of the right products, grown with respect for nature, seasonality and the people who work with it. We will call on other Fairtrade producers for all products that are not grown in Belgium / Europe (e.g. vanilla, honey from Madagascar, etc.) We will favor bulk purchases / deliveries in recyclable containers. We will offer our customers a packaging of wooden boxes and (as soon as the product is on the market) reusable boxes.

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